Thank you for inquiring about our Sozo Prayer Ministry. Appointments are offered various days and times of the week. Please fill out this intake form. The forgiveness pdf at the top of the page is for your reading and would be a great help in preparing for your Sozo appointment. Please complete this intake form and sign the release form. David Graham will respond within 72 hours to schedule your Sozo appointment.

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What is Sozo?

Sozo is a Greek word meaning wholeness; wholeness in Spirit, Soul (mind, will, & emotions), & Body. Sozo Prayer Ministry is not counseling, it is a gentle, yet powerful tool for inner healing and deliverance.

Our goal during your prayer session is to uncover and address root issues that hinder your personal growth and relationship with God and others. This is a safe and confidential environment. God loves you and is for you and wants to see you walk in His freedom.

How Sozo Works?

There will be 2-3 Sozo ministers in the room who are praying for you and guiding you through a process of connecting with God. As the Holy Spirit leads, you’ll be invited to ask Father God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit questions about:

  • Lies you’re believing
  • Wounds that need healing
  • People to forgive read FORGIVENESS (pdf at top of form)
  • Unhealthy relational and/or generational ties
  • Sins to renounce

You will come away with a fresh revelation of God’s love and truth in your areas of pain.

You may want to spend extra time with Father God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit by worshiping, fasting, and praying before your appointment.

Please sign the release form and send to David Graham @

Release Form